Did you know Her Majesty’s Theatre is mainland Australia’s best preserved and oldest continuously operating theatre?

In fact, it was built in 1875 – making it the most intact of only four surviving nineteenth-century public theatres in Australia.

Each year more than 75,000 patrons are entertained by more than 15,000 performers who take to its stage.

Works are currently underway at Her Majesty’s to address conservation heritage features and improve the structure and safety of this iconic theatre.  With the aid of a $2 million-dollar Living Heritage grant provided by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) via Heritage Victoria, the first stage of the works is underway. This work includes localized replacement of the roof and internal box gutter, as well as external façade repairs and stormwater system remediation. It further addresses significant rising damp remediation, upgrade of fire safety systems and emergency lighting systems, conservation works to heritage urinals, and remediation works to trusses over stage with minor structural repair works over the auditorium. These works are due for completion by February 2019.

The City of Ballarat has allocated $5.3 million in its 2018/19 budget for the next stage of works, the completion of which would allow for the safe reopening of the venue but would not guarantee the longevity of its future. These works will include structural renewal of the stage, development of a comprehensive fire strategy and implementation of recommended works, an upgrade of the existing passenger lift, works to improve balcony and balustrade safety, provision of accessible toilets, and provision of accessible seating in the dress circle. These works will also include a new box office and refreshment bar, foyer signage, and display system.

The further $15 million-dollars is being sought from the state and federal governments and would guarantee the ongoing operation and safety of Her Majesty’s for generations to come. These works would include an upgraded and expanded wing space, new passenger lift to stage area, new power flying system, new extended fly system, new green room and large dressing room, installation of the thrust stage/new orchestra pit, refurbishment and fit out of administration space, and installation of a quiet room.

There is much to be done, and we can’t do it without your support.

For full details about the campaign and to donate, please visit:

Dedicate a seat in Ballarat’s grand theatre.

Her Majesty’s Ballarat is the heart of the cultural life of Ballarat and has left a lasting impression on the people who have entered her doors. For the past 140 years, countless millions of patrons have met, talked, debated and enjoyed wonderful entertainment of all kinds at Her Majesty’s.

This is your chance to leave your own lasting impression on the theatre in return.

Starting at $750 your seat dedication will be inscribed on a brass plaque and placed on the back of one of our beautiful new seats for 25 years. A total commitment of $1000 ($750 tax deductible) gives you the chance to select the seat on which your plaque will be affixed; or if you are happy for us to select the seat for you your commitment is $750 ($500 tax deductible).

From assisting you in choosing the seat you wish to dedicate; ensuring the wording of your dedication is appropriate; to showing you the completed plaque installed in the theatre, our staff can guide you all the way.

All funds raised through this program will go directly towards enabling the ongoing conservation and maintenance of Ballarat’s grand theatre so it may continue to present the best entertainment and be enjoyed by future generations as much as you, our audiences of today.

Call the Theatre Manager on 03 5364 2358 to discuss your dedication.
